-I started watching my movie a day project for 2010. I have learned to watch a movie and think about what I thought about it and record my movie and thoughts via blogging on amovieaday2010.wordpress.com. This blog is still a learning process because I still don't know technical terms for movies. It has been cool watching a movie I may or may have not watched otherwise.
-I have been eating better. No fast food, cooking more, going to farmers markets for some of my food. I do feel a difference, hopefully, this makes for a better life in 2010.
-I still am doing Toastmasters. It is a love/hate thing. I need those motivators to help me improve public speaking. Yes, I still dread getting in front of people and speaking. A fear that goes back to grade-school. I rather have my pet hamster bite me 20 times than do a speech sometimes. It is that bad, but I am getting there. I am actually getting more comfortable so I am glad I spend my Saturday mornings there.
Still Improving
-Still need to be social. Haven't been to a social gathering in 2010. I plan to start this upcoming week and go to a few things. I even signed up for a trapeze lesson to learn something new with 9 others of course.
-Continuing to spend more time with my family. Lots of trips to the dog park. Will also try to go on bike rides, I just need to make that helmet purchase.
-Living more economically. I am reading this book called The Simple Living Guide: A Sourcebook for Less Stressful, More Joyful Living by Janet Luhrs. It has been an eye opening experience. I picked the book yesterday off my shelf (I've had for over a yr. but never really read it). This is a book I should of read/practiced a long time ago. By all means I am not about to go live out of a motor home to save money or grow my own food like some people have in this book. My goal is to stop and think about my purchase patterns in the past and improve upon them. I don't need my $4 Starbucks each day instead I make my coffee during the week and have a mocha as a treat once or twice a week. Instead of going to Barnes and Noble or buying a book on Amazon, I have been checking out books from the library. I can't do this for every single book but for many it has been working and saving me shelf space in the process. I still need to work on the shopping thing some more, but I think what will work is not to go to browse at all. The temptation is still there for me. Purging things, I recently cleaned out over 10 years worth of clothes/purses(mostly career clothes) and gave them away to AmVets. We also shut off our HBO and SHO for the moment. No Big Love for me (will catch up later). I am still reading the career choice portion of this book and still working on my life passion. I am still contemplating all my choices. I know in a few months I will decide and get there. The book also says to travel more to experience life (Not the Four Seasons way unfortunately). I like this chapter and will definitely practice this more(putting what I save from not eating out and coffee towards this).
So these are little/big changes in my life. Progression is the key and I think I am getting there.
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