This year, it was simple. Take kit and make it with just the items it came with. I got into a fight with the frosting, but other than that it was a piece of cake, no falling walls on the house, this year unlike last year. The trees were another story. Anyways, enjoy the pics of gingerbread house makin' 2008...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's Friday
Elise awoke me this morning. She drank a whole bottle of water before she went to bed. I guess she knows what happens if she does this so close to her bedtime. So I am wide awake now, almost 2 in the morning, when most of San Diego is asleep right now. I will go back to sleep after I wind down but I always feel like a zombie in the morning. The weeks have flown by. Ed already had his holiday party, we stayed the night at the HR hotel in downtown SD. So once a yr., it is a valid excuse to drink too much. Luckily, this time, I did not vomit. It was nice to see how partiers do it once in a while and how spending too much money feels like, without actually spending it (company party, company tab). Also, on my adventure last weekend, I ate fish. I never eat fish, but the funny thing, the fish wasn't fishy. But I am not a fish eater, so that was my hazy experience eating fish. This week has gone by too fast. The massive consumer holiday christmas is almost among us. I did not buy myself the Ipod touch I want. This year, I will pass on buying for myself. I do need gym socks though, maybe that will be my splurge. It feels weird seeing commercials for stores like Mervyns on the tv, saying they are closing their doors forever. I think that is where I bought my childhood wardrobe. Sadness on the memories of watching the open open commercials and the brands like ellemenno, cheetah, etc.. fade away. This holiday isn't like all the others that we will have massive present opening sessions. But at least we have each other.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Paris on my mind

Tout le temps.... mais pas le temps. Translation: All the time, but not the weather. Now how can le temps, mean the time and the weather?? I love sunny and warm. I guess that is why I live in San Diego. Also, I am not financially stable to travel right now. I have to keep my job secure and cannot spend any discretionary income. Did I mention real estate is worth nada anymore. Nada equals no credit lines. If I can have goals, then my goal is 2010....Paris awaits me again.. If I do not spend (see spending blog, starting Jan. 09), I will go to the city of lights. I am still learning this difficult language with my dictionary always by my side in class. I am even on Paris time... It is apres midi there now. But soon, I will return to San Diego time...otherwise I may turn into a pumpkin *(potiron), possibly at work today. C'est la vie.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Why the name Black Friday for the ritual of buying countless things that you don't need, get a discount on gifts on things other people won't need? I am sure I can wikipedia the origin, but I it is almost 5 am and I am too lazy. I am not going anywhere on Friday, I am not going shopping, I do not need a useless mp3 player that holds 10 songs or a dvd player that plays special dvds that makes the picture a tad better. I have an wishlist, all of these things I don't need but want. Someday, little by little, I may get them. Right now, they look good on that wishlist. What I wish for is a three-month trip to Paris...all expenses paid, my job on hold and family that can come or wait for me to get back from Paris. I would really want to take my dog Stewie. My other confession... watching a Parisian Bakery webcam around 8 in the evening, they are baking their morning bread in this cool oven. And another thought, why do I buy things as gifts that I want to keep for myself. There are these cool earrings I bought on etsy. I am not sure who I want to give them to , I was thinking Elise (she says the rhyme from time to time), but she may loose them, that is what 6 year old girls do. I want to say on this Thanksgiving morning at 5 am. I am thankful for having a roof over my head to shelter this hard falling rain from me, my friends and family, a job, food to feed my family and for the internet to keep all that is far near to me. I am going to go back to bed now.
Friday, November 21, 2008
cute toys
traveling for leisure
kids/husband behaving
a good movie/good tv shows
starbucks white chocolate mochas
puppies, kittens
a good book
friends that talk to me on a regular basis
Sarah Silverman
watching people have fun
Now I can go to work and wonder how this all fits into the picture.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I am often inspired, I read blogs and see lovely things I want to buy. This consumerism bug has really got to go. I love cute stuff, but right now it is look and not buy. I go to the store and see cute dollar items at Target. I have to think to myself, is that going to collect dust in a week and is it that cute for a dollar? This leaves the poor hello kitty paper pad alone in the bin collecting its dust at the store. I want to bring a camera and photo all the stuff I am tempted to buy, but I don't think you are able to photo in stores. I am starting to buy little things for xmas gifts, but I am tempted to keep all this stuff because I quit buying things for myself. I want to try the year without experiment, but I am scared. There inspiration and temptation is too much. Maybe I can get this out of my system before Jan. 1. The year without material items. Buy only what you need (school books). No new clothes, souvenirs, crap at the dollar store. Exceptions are starbucks and eating in restaurants. You can buy kids clothes, at beginning of school season. No buying music for exception of free stuff and listening on rhapsody for free. Hmmm. Lets see how much I save and how long it lasts. I will have to be concious and journal all my purchases. This is a new leaf, lets see if I can turn it and how much money I can save.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Muchadoabout Nothing
News flash... The economy is tanking. I am becoming cautious, I am not buying crafts at Michaels anymore, I had a handful of things and put them back. I don't think I can cut down on my coffee habit, getting manis and pedis or learning French. I probably have to not buy clothes for a while and not dream of weeks in Europe on my credit line. Also, we got a letter in the mail saying our house is worth nothing (it is worth something, but nothing in my head) and our second morgage credit line limit has been drastically reduced. Pool dreams are officially over. I have posted some happy pictures to make this world a better place. I am glad for all the cute stuff I have in my possession. I am thinking of having a garage sale to fund my vacations, drastic measures call for drastic times.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
An evening with Madonna

What an evening it was, Just want to say first of all, it was an honor celebrating the night with a bunch of great people. It was on election night, so this night was extra special. I have been to Madonna concerts before but this is the first one that i didn't have to leave town and also, more importantly, it was a start of a beautiful future; Obama was elected!! Now the nameless dynamic duo will fall off the face of the earth. Madonna started the night about an hour and a half after the time on my ticket. But it was all worth it, the set on the PETCO park field where I am used to watch the Padres baseball games was gi- enormous. The stage and lights were insane, no wonder this evening cost me over three hundred and fifty dollars a ticket. Madonna proceeded to play about two hours. Ed and I sat (stood) around an array of people, straight, gay, old and young... we sat (stood all night) next to two "bears" and were kind enough to share their goodies with us ( that sounds really bad, but I can't reveal anything illegal here). Now that sounded really bad, just say it was a happy night, no one was harmed. We got to rush the stage and be a part of the concert experience. I am a little spec somewhere in that youtube video. I have real pictures from my camera, but have to wait to get my files from Ed, who downloaded on his computer and erased the camera so I couldn't get them myself. I was in awe, I am still in awe. I also have to say even though she is 50, she doesn't move like it, she is Madonna and will always be. Here was the set list...MADONNA's PETCO PARK SET LIST
"Candy Shop"
"Beat Goes On"
"Human Nature" BRITNEY dedicated video...her LA show was cameo'd by BRIT and JUSTIN
"Die Another Day" (Remix) (Video Interlude)
"Borderline" GREAT ROCK and ROLL version, was very nolstalgic
"She's Not Me"
"Rain" (Remix) (Video Interlude)
"Devil Wouldn't Recognize You"
"Spanish Lesson"
"Miles Away"
"La Isla Bonita"
"Doli Doli" (Dance Interlude)
"You Must Love Me"
"Get Stupid" (Video Interlude)
"4 Minutes"
"Like a Prayer"
"Ray of Light"
"Express Yourself"
"Hung Up"
"Give It 2 Me"
Friday, November 07, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Halloween Weekend
It was a fun day.... Looking forward to Tuesday, finally we will know who our president for the next 4 years will be(of course it will be Obama, the real hope for America) and this endless hatefest from the McCain camp will end and what is with those who are wanting to pass Proposition 8 ( it is the keeping marriage between a man and a woman), not fair to all my friends who's partner's are of the same-sex, they deserve all the same benefits of marriage as a man and a woman. Anyways, the Madonna concert is also on Tuesday!! I think I have seen her three times already, but the forth is a charm.. Also it is in San Diego. NO TRAVELLING!! It should be a good Tuesday.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What is this world coming to
So I was driving in my car, listening to the radio on the way to work yesterday, I hear stockpile on those mother's cookies NOW, they are being sold on ebay at twice the market price. Then the DJ on the radio proceeds to say how those iced animal cookies were the best thing on earth. Aaargh, I am in the car, there is no internet access to my disposal. I scrurry to my office and quickly turn on the computer, google "mother's cookies". The listing comes up Mother's cookies has gone out of business plus numerous other articles on the same thing. So in this post, I dedicate my love to american goodness. The Mothers Chocolate Chip Cookie, so good with a glass of cold milk. Oh, now to go find a bag.....probably impossible at this time. Oh, please some cookie fairy please rescue this company!! I know there is at least a few rich people left in this world. Oprah, please I plead. Do not let the best bagged cookie on earth go to cookie heaven.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Marriage and Life
I awoke today and news broke that my idol Madonna was getting divorced from her husband of 7 and a half yrs Guy Richie. I am not totally shocked, but I am saddened. This woman has (had) it all, a family, a career and a husband. I wonder what made this match made in heaven fall apart? It makes even the brightest star a little bit more human. Statistics now show that marriage is about 75 percent ineffective. Relationships are hard things to master, I think communication is a big key and then understanding. Also, it only takes one to make the relationship fall apart. It is kind of a symetric dance that always needs to have some balance- I am not a good dancer but I guess I am surviving my relationship dance so far, nothing is broken yet. On another note, I got my Obama, Biden Vote Nov. 4th T-shirt. It will go nicely with my Nov. 4 Madonna concert- I am sure despite her personal setback, her show will still rock. I wish her happiness.
It is home/just thinking
Thoughts are always running through my head...can you be one of those people that do things on a whim and succeed? In reality, this is not me. I am cautious of my actions in life, I plan in my head and make sure that there is plan B. What I am is a survivor. If I had to survive, I know I could, those instincts are there somewhere. I read a blog recently, and I am paraphrasing. There are people that just have stuff fall into their lap and there are people that actually work for it. I think I am somewhere in-between. But the main point of the entry was we are all lucky in this world (or at least America), we are not born in a time when there is a health epidemic like the plague or crappy air diseases that wipe out thousands at a time, we also live in technological times of the internet, space travel, world travel, which is good. I know there are scientists and others that devote their days making our country and other countries better. I salute that. I salute those who try on a daily basis to love, live and make this world a better place to live. I still have thoughts in my head, on how I can leave my thumbprint on the world... I know right now, I am doing this through raising my kids in a proper way (the best way I know how). But occupation wise, not so much... I truly am working for the man. But this is all about survival. Granted, I do this with a small surrogate family of my fellow-man working collegues. With all those thoughts running through my head, I guess I am working on changing that, and that is what is called slow-evolution.
Just thinking
In my option, I am sick of the news... I am sick of the world economy, I am tired of the political bashing....My opinion, why has the world gone awry? Because of greed and ego-centric behavior. But it is in the 'reality world' times we live in, I still care and keep up with this news. It is reality, but sometimes I think it is all a bad dream. I just think, people thrive on drama, it is in a lot of people's nature to find things that are not logical. Is that why we are in this mess? Not thinking or evolving but just doing. Success takes process and well thought out execution otherwise it becomes the chaotic mess we live in. It may not be the plague but it is a sickness that many people put upon themselves. Vote Barack- lets get us out of this mess now!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
my exciting weekend
Not. Just another weekend. I did relax a lot on Saturday, I think I watched many movies this weekend. I saw Iron Man, Nick and Norah's Infiniate playlist in whole. Saw parts of No Reservations, Atonement...just because they happened on HBO and I was watching tv this weekend. Sun, I went to hillcrest farmers market. I bought a couple of lavender plants, two artichokes, a watermelon, a mini cantalope, a couple white nectarines. Then walked around downtown for a while. I have decided, I need a vacation. It seems I always need a vacation. I also forgot to do my french homework for my Mon. Nt. class. Hopefully, I will be able to do it sometime Mon. afternoon. I have also decided this entry isn't exciting either. Maybe next week.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Weekend- the fastest two days of the week
It seems like my weekends always fly. It is already Sunday... I have a whole day to clean my house, do my french homework, and get ready for the rest of the crazy week. I feel like I am obsessed with this learning French thing, reading up on Paris and people's blogs abroad on how they live. I think the best thing for me right now is just to visit. Plan in the next 5 yrs. a strategy on how I can stay a whole month over there. I guess this means to get in to something that self sustains my living. I am going to start brainstorming... I think this is the beginning of the "5 yr. plan". I actually think that I can get the best of both worlds eventually. I love the conveniences of america, thinking of leaving for good- is just talk for now.... but I just love the crappy food, crappy tv, my prius. Yet, I love the culture and lifestyle of the parisian- slow pace in a fast environment, french crap tv not understanding anything, their crappy version of American Idol, nutella crepes, the metro and the smell of old buildings. I am sure I will love other parts of France as well, and other European Countries for that matter. What can I do to marry these two worlds together into my world. I need to find out fast... not too fast.. Just 5 years fast. This can be done. I will do some research on trades I can get into that can be transcontinental for future endeavors. This does not mean that I would pick up and go permanently, just a good transition into dabbling in the life of a european, one month at a time. The 5 yr. plan is to spend a month in Paris/Europe, no interruptions. Whether this be while on current job's vacation time or whatever life brings to me at this time. The goal is to go there and not be broke, sustain living with the family. Hopefully, all of my family will be able to partake in my experiment.
Friday, October 03, 2008
My so called life
So how has been life been treatin' ya lately? You might ask me while runnin' in to me unexpectedly at god knows where. Well my answer to you probably on the fly would be "fine, busy, great, grand, astonishing". Well here is the lengthy, thought out answer in a ramble:
Lately, I have been feeling like crap. I have this awful cold that won't go away. Everytime, I think it is going away, it comes back in a different form. My breathing may be better, but the wheezing still exists and the cough sounds like I just smoked a pack of cigarrettes. My neck and back aches and my nose started wanting to drain all the snot I have in my system. Maybe this is a good thing that my gooey bodily fluids want to escape but please now, can I just return to my normal self, where it is ok to do some streneous exercise and return to my weekly yoga class.
My kids are grand, they are kids... They fight and do some idiotic things, but they are good kids in general. Elise can't keep her room clean but I guess neither can I. Ryan is lazy, but I guess that also runs in his genes, but he is overcoming this laziness by playing soccer once a week and doing the household duties of our choosing. I am not lazy but I am not greatly motivated and do not wish to become vice president of the US of A either ( which I may ad could be a heartbeat away, if that idiotic pagent wanna be can, I can as well). I will not go to my newly found following of the political world right now.
My husband is grand as well, he is keeping busy with keeping our family in tact. Thank god he does our finances and keeps all that in order. His obsession of the moment. Faux drumming. Yes, faux drumming.... Rock band style. Takes all the time away from those nifty household projects around the house and constructive work he could be doing. Also, he is a stones throw away from graduating college, which I may add... video games equal time drainer.. therefore school would not equal video games.
Myself in general, my real thoughts....I am loving my house, my dog and my family. If all of those moved to France. I would be really loving my house, my dog and my family. I so wanna learn french, so I am taking classes stateside. In the event, I am able to move across the pond. Which I can say may be more of a reality if last name M and P become the leaders of this free world, I will be semi prepared. I like my job as well, but it is not the end all be all of jobs or careers, it sometimes stresses me out, but there are more pros than cons at this point that I will not turn it in for something else. I wish I could reach out more to friends that are a stones throw away but we are often to busy to do stuff. I am loving tv at the moment...all brainless activity a go! My guilty pleasures.. crap teen dramas... Gossip Girl, 90210... adult crap dramas.. dirty sexy money, californication... good shows about crap... entourage, the office, picking daisies..vampire shows... True blood. All of these shows I am lovin'. The hills not so much, but it is fun to easedrop from time to time.
Well that is all that has been going on...I am sure things will change in a month or so, but this is my so called life at the moment.
Lately, I have been feeling like crap. I have this awful cold that won't go away. Everytime, I think it is going away, it comes back in a different form. My breathing may be better, but the wheezing still exists and the cough sounds like I just smoked a pack of cigarrettes. My neck and back aches and my nose started wanting to drain all the snot I have in my system. Maybe this is a good thing that my gooey bodily fluids want to escape but please now, can I just return to my normal self, where it is ok to do some streneous exercise and return to my weekly yoga class.
My kids are grand, they are kids... They fight and do some idiotic things, but they are good kids in general. Elise can't keep her room clean but I guess neither can I. Ryan is lazy, but I guess that also runs in his genes, but he is overcoming this laziness by playing soccer once a week and doing the household duties of our choosing. I am not lazy but I am not greatly motivated and do not wish to become vice president of the US of A either ( which I may ad could be a heartbeat away, if that idiotic pagent wanna be can, I can as well). I will not go to my newly found following of the political world right now.
My husband is grand as well, he is keeping busy with keeping our family in tact. Thank god he does our finances and keeps all that in order. His obsession of the moment. Faux drumming. Yes, faux drumming.... Rock band style. Takes all the time away from those nifty household projects around the house and constructive work he could be doing. Also, he is a stones throw away from graduating college, which I may add... video games equal time drainer.. therefore school would not equal video games.
Myself in general, my real thoughts....I am loving my house, my dog and my family. If all of those moved to France. I would be really loving my house, my dog and my family. I so wanna learn french, so I am taking classes stateside. In the event, I am able to move across the pond. Which I can say may be more of a reality if last name M and P become the leaders of this free world, I will be semi prepared. I like my job as well, but it is not the end all be all of jobs or careers, it sometimes stresses me out, but there are more pros than cons at this point that I will not turn it in for something else. I wish I could reach out more to friends that are a stones throw away but we are often to busy to do stuff. I am loving tv at the moment...all brainless activity a go! My guilty pleasures.. crap teen dramas... Gossip Girl, 90210... adult crap dramas.. dirty sexy money, californication... good shows about crap... entourage, the office, picking daisies..vampire shows... True blood. All of these shows I am lovin'. The hills not so much, but it is fun to easedrop from time to time.
Well that is all that has been going on...I am sure things will change in a month or so, but this is my so called life at the moment.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Challenging life
This last week has been challenging, I have been coughing, wheezing and my throat irritated enough to initiate this hoarsy sounding cough. I also had a really bad migrane a week ago to set off this annoying respiratory problem I have. I am on a bunch of prescribed inhalers and usually they work, whereas, this the wheeze goes away but this has not happened yet. I know I have improved since last week, where I had no voice and sounded like crap if I did try to talk. Lately, I absoulutely have not had any fun with exception of watching first episodes of the new season of grey's anatomy and the office. This also has prevented me from spending any money walking around stores due to my shortness of breath and limited exercise abilities. Maybe the part about spending money is a good thing. Due to economy and unsureness of everything, we have suspended pool installation for the time being. I don't have a huge stake in stocks, I do have a few mutual funds going from my 401 K, but plan to ride all of those out. I still think the stock market has some good in it, despite this weird turn of events our US has taken in the past couple of weeks. I guess my take is long term, if this happened when I was 60, I would be crying because of my dependence on my retirement. What is this lesson to be had from all the headlines going on about financial institutions crumbling? Don't spend out of your means. I seem to find myself guilty of doing that sometimes but in actuality I am too hard on myself. People still haven't learned that lesson to spend within your means. People think money will just fall out of the sky so they can pay their morgage and credit cards. Just because I get a credit card in the mail for a 20,000 limit doesn't mean I need to spend it. I cut it up or just don't activate it. Granted, there are those who don't have a choice to overspend in order to live and are still in debt, are using the credit cards to buy groceries and to pay for healthcare, I feel for those people. Because of this economic fiasco, we have lost a lot of equity in our house which sucks because it means any improvements we do is deemed worthless to add to the value. In other news, one of our leopard geckos died. We thought she was pregnant with eggs and was doing fine, the next day she was dead. It always sucks when one of your pets die, no matter how unattached I was to it. C'est la vie...looking forward to the weekend to rest and recouperate. Hopefully, I won't be so downer debbie in the future.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What's Happening
Freshly off of my newly turned age. Life is taking a few twists and turns lately. I believe age is simply a number. There are many experiences, many good a few bad in the last few months. I am fortunate that my health, family needs and wealth are not affected by these financial/natural disasters happening. For those that have been hard hit, my hat is off to you. I can't imagine having a flooded house, having to rebuild again or life changes in health or wealth. My personality is to lay low and ride things out. My nose is on the news streaming on the internet, depressing it may seems, the reality is nothing is happy anymore. I think Brad Pitt is doing more positive things for the world than the US government is right now, which in a way is really sad. My focus is family first, myself and work second and third, respectively. I cannot ever forget that or stray from that focus. Truly, at this time of dire straits in our country, I am blessed. My hats off to Obama to pursue the goal of change for our country. With him, it really can happen... with McCain and Palin, the chances are better that hell freezes over. So anyways, if American dreams really exist, I will be celebrating on Nov. 4 with the melodies of Madonna in the brisk Petco Park air rather than plotting my move across the Atlantic to hawk lavender bundles in the countryside. Just my thoughts this week, by the way French class is going very well, I have a exam on Monday so lets hope I spell correctly and keep my tenses, objects and gender agreeing.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
On a lighter note
It is the weekend. Yesterday, I went to Ryan's first soccer game of the season, it was an exciting game ending in a tie of 3 to 3. I get nervous and anxious watching these because you get proud and want only for your team to succeed. But they are fun and it is great watching the kids mimic soccer stars like David Beckham. After the game, we went to Costco to go on the "necessities" shop. That was one expensive shop. I guess we were out of everything. Then after my ritual weekend nap, I perused Barnes and Nobles for french study aides and browsed for a while. It amazes me how many people are there on a Sat. night just hanging out.
Next Tues. is my birthday, I am still young I guess. My last name won't be. I am actually officially changing it through the DMV on Monday morning when I need to renew my drivers license, this is a feat that has taken me 8 years to do. I want to stop flip-flopping my maiden name and my married name and just have an idenity. I am going to take my birthday off of work and I decided to do....somewhat absolutely nothing. I may go off and take my weekly french tutor hour so I don't miss work doing so this week but other than that I plan to catch up on episodes of tv that I am neglecting. Usually on my birthday I reflect on the last year for a brief moment but other than that it is just like any other day. I also think of all the free meals that I could get using my drivers license from participating restaurants but never take advantage of the deals.
Ok, I haven't given up yet but there is no pool or startings of a pool in my backyard, it is on "hold". I officially have a mowed weed yard, our gardeners probably think we are crazy telling them we are killing our lawn for nothing. I keep imagining prettiness someday. I guess that is what hope is for.
I erased my likes etc. on my myspace and facebook pages, it is time to think anew, what are really my favorite tv shows, movies, interests etc... I feel I have somewhat evolved in the last few months. I am going to reevaluate and rewrite in the next week or so.
Last weekend, I went to my grandma's birthday celebration up in Los Gatos which is near the San Jose area. We landed on a Sat. morning, I took the kids and we drove down to Santa Cruz for the afternoon. It was a good time, the road is windy from San Jose to Santa Cruz but all the memories of driving there as a teen came flooding back. I used to go to Santa Cruz to boogie board and just to hang out, those were the days. After Santa Cruz, we had a family get together on Sunday with about 44 people. This included 2 babies under the age of one and a handful of kids under the age of five. My kids are over the age of five, which sounds crazy since the parents of the kids under five are older than I am by as much as 17 years or so. I really enjoyed my day with my family, I have to do this a few times a year to keep me sane. It gives me a calm to see my mom and dad. Overall, It was a good weekend trip away.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I am a mom too
So I guess that qualifies me to be VP. I am a soccer mom and PTA member, I am even in charge of counting Box Tops for Education, I work full time and hold down a household. Following all this nonsense of backwards politics this week has made me just want to say if you vote for a backwards lady for VP, I feel sorry for you. She, Fallin is hypocritical, dumb, stupid, idiotic..need I say more. She is so extreme she thinks it is god's will for all these tragedies in the world. I am not basing on her family, because it is her family, that is her personal life. Her views and gun toting agenda are not who I want leading this country. Who knows how long the big McOldperson will last in the big chair if he becomes elected. I cannot believe the country I currently reside in America is falling for this crap. If they sit in the two top seats, all of the progressive rights America has made in the last century not inc. the last eight years (because there was no progression) will be halted and even taken away. I am all for National Security and safety of the fellow American, global conservation and new energy sources like solar and wind but I also see the value of seperation of church and state, upholding the constitution, pro choice, and the same rights for gays as married hetero people. I see the economy dwendling in front of my eyes seeing much first hand being in recruitment advertising. I even heard India has taken over writing articles for the newspapers. Our dependence on oil can be averted not by drilling more holes in the US and in the process potential harm to the environment and the wildlife surrounding the oil fields. A more logical way to reduce the dependence would be to produce more efficient vehicles and educating on how to use less and conserve. There is a lot of untapped renewable energy sources still available, it would be more efficient to invest in those than to have all our polar ice caps melt and harm our atmosphere by drilling for more oil. Think of this, if we drill our other sources, will eventually use it up at probably a faster pace because of potential abuse of oil/gas resources. I don't see drilling as a good solution. It really sounds lame hearing a group of people chant drill, drill. Come on be educated. Change is good, it is not just a motto, it is a mission and hopefully for the better. I want to stay a proud American and not second guess where this country is heading. This year, I am voting on experience on not who has served in the military for a bunch of years but who is willing to open their hearts and mind for actually changing America life for the better. That experience is Obama/Biden. My opinion, my thoughts, my blog.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Parlez vous francais?

Oui, je parle francais.... un peu. Survived or shall I say rather enjoyed my first week back at school. College that is, the same school I went to back when I moved here in 96'. I am taking French at Grossmont. Yay! It is refreshing to be reinforced, speaking for about 2 hrs., 2 days a week in a classroom of 23 people. I notice a lot more than I did taking French back in the day for credits to get my business degree. Pronouncing is key. I have already taken a handful of classes in french, but getting my foundation steady and strong is what it is all about.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It's here! Buy your copy now!!
Elise is officially a print model. Maybe the only published photo ever. But never say never. She wasn't on the best behavior at this shoot but she tried to do a few photos then just "wanted to watch". Call her the next Linda Evangelista, she won't get out of bed for under 10 dollars a day. But as her mom, it was an experience to say the least Thank you Suzanne for introducing us into the world of glam.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Weekend is almost over
boo hoo. Not a very productive weekend. I did relax and didn't think of anything in particular. My kids came back from a week away in the desert. Ed's friend Matt came to visit from Colorado and hung out. The most exciting thing of my weekend was walking around Grossmont Center and spending my money at Target. We did manage to go to the beach this weekend and walked OB near the dog beach. Today I went to Costco to buy the weekly grocery shopping and pick up contact lenses that were ready at their optical department. I also bought some French Immersion software for my computer, but wasn't too excited when I popped the disc in my computer and nothing happened. So I will need to take that back. I start French at Grossmont College tomorrow night. Back to school, not out of necessity but for fun. Who would of thought. I thought Being a student over thirty. There is some exciting news, Elise had done a photoshoot last June, which I thought she wouldn't be published because she wasn't very cooperative but to my surprise, she did get one of her pics in the mag. , can't wait to see the issue. At least this upcoming week is a short week, I am taking Friday off and then off to the San Jose area from Sat to Monday to see family.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Wakey Wakey eggs and bakey
Someday I will grow up, just grow up. I need to wake up and just live my life. Stop thinking what if I did this, what if I did that. What am I happy with, what are my accomplishments. Nearing another birthday in about 3 weeks I am pondering lots of what ifs. I am not going to do that anymore, I am going to think about doing now. I will think of goals far future, near future and next month, and then next week. Just go with it. Know I will retire someday, being the best that I can be- knowing I did my best raising my kids, upkeeping the house and home . Knowing I did try my best going forward from today. Find that paths today lead to other paths tomorrow, no matter how many roadblocks I had in my paths, I found my way out of them. Is this statement so hard to practice? Time will tell but at least I said it.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Not doing too much this weekend. Relaxing recovering from the long work week. I did relax at the beach this afternoon, got my bi-weekly manicure and pedie. Took a nap and just did nothing. Ed and I got a quick bite to eat and went to costco to get a few essentials. I am taking a break from everything. I am in a semi-lull. Hopefully, it will be temporary. I have not been inspired lately and hope something snaps me out of it fast. I did decide to permanently and finally change my last name to my married last name after 8 yrs. of marriage. I put the request in the mail on Fri. and have an appt. at the DMV the day before my birthday to renew my drivers license so I will do that then. So until then hope my cloudy head clears soon.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Weekend as it is
This weekend, There is plenty to do but I am not so motivated. My front yard needs new plants. Ed and I looked at Target's garden shop and found lots of purple things- french lavender, little purple ornamental pepper trees, purple flowery shrubs and sunflowers I would like, Our soil is kind of bad, so we are going to try to cultivate it before we buy anything. I kind of have a black thumb, so who knows what will happen when these babies are planted. Also, I bought some clothes for Elise for school etc... She is having her "photo shoot" on Monday (a day off for me as well!), so I bought some cool shoes and some clothes for her at Marshalls. She isn't having access to these clothes. Her wardrobe is so cluttered right now. She needs a dresser so badly, I just haven't had the balls to spend the 800 dollars for a good one and she will eventually crayon, marker, whatever to. Also, bought a few hip looking storage containers and clothes for myself.
Sunday will be a lot of nothing, since Monday I will be running around town. I may take on yoga this weekend, since last weekend I was too sick to partake. Other than that, I may watch a movie at home and just take it easy.
Sunday will be a lot of nothing, since Monday I will be running around town. I may take on yoga this weekend, since last weekend I was too sick to partake. Other than that, I may watch a movie at home and just take it easy.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Over it
Over the sickness, over the madness. I still am wheezing a tiny bit, it is lingering. I am up after three hours of sleep, probably will go back to sleep. What is with tv these days, I am so stupidly hooked on the makeover mobile home show on cmt. That makes of stupid tv., major couch potato tv, train wreck I need to keep watching tv. Their trip consists of nice hotel rooms and a trip about an hr. from where they live. I am not sure if that makes for a trip, they should be going to at least Disneyland or something. Also, been watching the Japanese endurance shows on G4. Crazy to think that people will go through some of those obstacle courses, but it is a different fun to watch than that mindless mobile home makeover show that totally steals from extreme home makeover in the trailer park way. Who the hell is skillet anyway?
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Sunday Post
Always sad when it is the last hours of Sunday nt. I wish I had Monday's off of work as well. I am still a wee bit sick. Have this awful cold that hit me Friday morning. It started out as a sore throat and slowly crept into my sinuses. Now I have asthmatic symptoms and cannot find my prescribed inhaler. Anyways, I layed low and tidied up a few rooms in the house and used a whole box of tissues on my nose. My poor nose is raw and sore from blowing it so often. So is life, we'll pick up and be better in a few days.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Nutritious and Delicious
Starbucks Stella Bar, mmmm. I tasted this yesterday and it was good. For those foodies out there. Cafe Bleu on University is very tasty as well. I had the half chicken baked with apricots, dates and cherries with pommes frites. May I add, universal is not a place to have a clothing sale, it was too noisy, lighting was horrible and hard to navigate. I guess I will have to try thread at the end of the month. It is August already.... where has summer gone? If I was french I would have this whole month off of work, but I am not, Je suis Americane. What month do us American's get to take off of work? None of the above, just my wandering thoughts on a observation. Maybe in another lifetime.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
do something
So I want to do something, seems easy enough, but I am not sure what. I think I want to make a cement sculpture with found objects. I need to think this through though, where am I going to put it together and need to sketch an idea on paper first. Also, this language learning thing, I guess I will need to raise funds to travel after a while. I guess I need to start doing side jobs or selling stuff.....because my day job only pays the bills and nothing else. I guess Aug. will be my month of discovery, weighing my options, reading the dip. We will see how it goes.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Generally Speaking
I truly am blessed with my family, my friends, my job, my dog and other pets that are with me in present time. Sometimes it takes external forces to help me realize that I need to be proud of my accomplishments and what I have created as a whole. I also need to stay focused on being a positive human being. Whether that means I let people change lanes on the freeway in front of my car in traffic, smiling at someone at the supermarket when you know the other person is not having the greatest of days, or just plain on being a nice, polite person. This reminder of what is a growing process of myself, a current metamorphosis as you will, checks myself into reality from time to time. I can no longer be angry at the world and it's doings. It is what it is and it is up to me to help change at least my surroundings. So with this general mantra, I will try to be better at who I am and what I do...starting today.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Life is back to normal
Thank god, I have to say. Too much running around was making my head spin. Today, I relaxed at the Tidepools at Cabrillo National Monument. It really is pretty out there, the kids made me nervous with the tides coming in and their need to go to the end of the cliffs and rocks in the area. We also had a lovely picnic out on the benches using our picnic basket resurrected from the rafters in our garage after a long slumber. I did go to the mall in the evening to pick up my prescription, ended up buying not 1 but 2 Ed Hardy T-shirts. They are so cool...I figure that I can have a t-shirt instead of the actual tattoo. It probably will be safer, less painful and cost thousands less.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
COMIC-CON part deux
Today is my full on complete geek out day. I am prepared to bear the crowds, the lines, the weirdness in order to get my twenty pound book signed by one of my favorite music makers Tori Amos. So what am I expecting? Craziness and anticipation. Low blood sugar from not eating full meals. Hopefully, it will be a cool meeting and she will pose with my blythe doll that I will be taking photos of all over the floor before hand. I am doing this all again with my crowd hating family tomorrow as well. Thank you Tori, for getting me out and about, you will be so worth it.
UPDATE: Went today and it was great, I met some great people to pass the time in the lines, got my mission accomplished, Tori Amos was pretty and wonderful. Respect to all who contributed to her comic book coffee table project. But never again will I go to such a mad house. Love the art, hate the crowd. Also, got to meet 'kelly' from the office...Too bad it was such crowded place, if something like that was at a smaller intimate scale, i would be down for it- as long as I am in
Friday, July 25, 2008
When you home is not your house
I am comfortable in my skin, I am comfortable at work, I make a decision and usually stick with it. I guess outside forces has made me think my home is not my house. I guess my home is my family yet I don't have a home that is my house. I am not sure what I want anymore. I can live in San Diego forever or I can sell my "house" and move elsewhere. I guess that seems drastic because I can just move somewhere else in San Diego, but really is it my house or is it just a bank borrowed house that will continue to be borrowed on forever. No pool in my future at all, unless I move to wherever life takes me. Economics has overtaken my soul in this world. Is this all worth it, just to know your assets dictate your life. I really need to think this over.
I am comfortable in my skin, I am comfortable at work, I make a decision and usually stick with it. I guess outside forces has made me think my home is not my house. I guess my home is my family yet I don't have a home that is my house. I am not sure what I want anymore. I can live in San Diego forever or I can sell my "house" and move elsewhere. I guess that seems drastic because I can just move somewhere else in San Diego, but really is it my house or is it just a bank borrowed house that will continue to be borrowed on forever. No pool in my future at all, unless I move to wherever life takes me. Economics has overtaken my soul in this world. Is this all worth it, just to know your assets dictate your life. I really need to think this over.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Adventures of the Week
This week is turned out to be a late one for me both Tues and Wed nights. Tuesday, I went to the Feist Concert at Humphrey's with Ed and it was a great concert. L. Feist was engaging with the audience and added a rebellious streak to a notoriously conservative San Diego. The security did show their weakness of power, since they could not contain the drunk concert goer female dancing to the wonderfully harmonious tunes that drifted it's sound in the cool yet warm bay air. Funny as it seems, I was rooting for the concert goer for a moment, then started rooting for the security guard as the rusher's backs were in my face from the lack of 'cow herding' so to speak. A bit of anger went in the air when an otherwise peaceful looking fellow told Ed "why don't you shut up, after he told the peace fellow's girlfriend to sit down because her back was in our face and we could no longer see the stage from our "good seats". Not something to say to Ed. It was a weird brief moment of my life, where I let myself go and shouted "just sit the FU*K down and all will be good". No fighting is ever good, but in Ed's defense, be a bit sympathetic to those who couldn't get the good seats yet never take the motto the early bird gets the worm for granted.
I am
not one to go to this, in fact, I felt a bit out of place with the geekiness in the air. My mission get to booth 2729 and purchase a place to get to be a foot away from Tori Amos on Saturday. I guess the first 20 people in line, turned in to the first30, and hour in that line, I was ok with that, what I wasn't was my lack of blood sugar from waiting and knowing that this event was a test on how patient I really am. I guess if you want something really bad, you can do it. I get the people with passion and maybe too much time on their hands to wait days for something. I wasn't quite that desperate but I did hold my patience and was granted the right to a coveted Tori Amos meeting, just for my brief under a minute signing, maybe sneak a photo or two. This beats the binoculared viewed concerts that I have faithfully attended for over the past twelve years here in San Diego. So after brief nice words from few of the comic artist collaboraters that worked on this project, one of which had beautiful etchings of his talents on hand for my admiration, I walked away with #2 of 500 of the limited print of the cover exclusive to the convention. I will still need to purchase my book for her to sign, but at least I am in. Now to get into the con. on Sat. with out bursting my patience bubble.
Here are some of my pu
This week is turned out to be a late one for me both Tues and Wed nights. Tuesday, I went to the Feist Concert at Humphrey's with Ed and it was a great concert. L. Feist was engaging with the audience and added a rebellious streak to a notoriously conservative San Diego. The security did show their weakness of power, since they could not contain the drunk concert goer female dancing to the wonderfully harmonious tunes that drifted it's sound in the cool yet warm bay air. Funny as it seems, I was rooting for the concert goer for a moment, then started rooting for the security guard as the rusher's backs were in my face from the lack of 'cow herding' so to speak. A bit of anger went in the air when an otherwise peaceful looking fellow told Ed "why don't you shut up, after he told the peace fellow's girlfriend to sit down because her back was in our face and we could no longer see the stage from our "good seats". Not something to say to Ed. It was a weird brief moment of my life, where I let myself go and shouted "just sit the FU*K down and all will be good". No fighting is ever good, but in Ed's defense, be a bit sympathetic to those who couldn't get the good seats yet never take the motto the early bird gets the worm for granted.
I am

Here are some of my pu

Monday, July 21, 2008
It's Okay
All is well on the homefront, everyone went home. Friday nt., Saw Mamma Mia at the theatres, was a fun movie, singing not so great, but fun nevertheless, I love all the songs from ABBA. I relaxed around everybody on Saturday. It was fun and I enjoyed myself. I actually went to the gay pride parade for the first time in SD. Really a curiousity, on my part, and I didn't really sit and watch it was more like frantically walking and watching. Everyone there is so happy, it really was contagious. That made my weekend what it was.... On Sun., I watched Louie at my house and relaxed, which made for a good Sun. This week to come will be crazy for me. On top of work, I am going to see Feist with Ed on Tues. and comic con, not all 4 days but probably Wed. nt. Sat and Sun. Note to self: Pool plans are resurrected, not with the lame person.. more to come.
All is well on the homefront, everyone went home. Friday nt., Saw Mamma Mia at the theatres, was a fun movie, singing not so great, but fun nevertheless, I love all the songs from ABBA. I relaxed around everybody on Saturday. It was fun and I enjoyed myself. I actually went to the gay pride parade for the first time in SD. Really a curiousity, on my part, and I didn't really sit and watch it was more like frantically walking and watching. Everyone there is so happy, it really was contagious. That made my weekend what it was.... On Sun., I watched Louie at my house and relaxed, which made for a good Sun. This week to come will be crazy for me. On top of work, I am going to see Feist with Ed on Tues. and comic con, not all 4 days but probably Wed. nt. Sat and Sun. Note to self: Pool plans are resurrected, not with the lame person.. more to come.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Awake and dreaming
Dreaming of being somewhere else, awake to be yearning of sleep. Putting thoughts to screen, wanting more but leaving to fate. I await and follow my journey to get to that place. I begin today, hopefully, I will get there someday. I will meet myself half way tonight with compromise.
Weekend to come
Another week gone by, need to focus on a few things personal and professionally. This weekend will be loud at my house but hopefully quiet inside my realm. I am glad that there are people having fun around me. I hope to do this in my own fruition. Peace out.
Dreaming of being somewhere else, awake to be yearning of sleep. Putting thoughts to screen, wanting more but leaving to fate. I await and follow my journey to get to that place. I begin today, hopefully, I will get there someday. I will meet myself half way tonight with compromise.
Weekend to come
Another week gone by, need to focus on a few things personal and professionally. This weekend will be loud at my house but hopefully quiet inside my realm. I am glad that there are people having fun around me. I hope to do this in my own fruition. Peace out.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Santa Barbara/Santa Paula Weekend
Left Sat. Morn for Santa Barbara, total miles driven on Sat. 280 ish miles... Went to the 20th ann. French Festival. I am guessing I didn't win the trip to France, I didn't get a phone call to let me know I won. I did take Elise with me, with this I was privileged the car pool lane through LA and OC Counties. She actual wasn't bad, she slept in the car both ways. The French Festival was a typical festival except with French entertainment and food. Where else can you buy escargots at a street fair booth in America? There was Vietnamese food and corn on the cob as well. It was very cute. We got a drumstick ice cream, crepe with nutella and bananas (yum). and corn on the cob. Elise played on the inflatable slides. bounce house there and playground. I listened some french singers and watched traditional dances. Anyways, we stayed there for about 3 hours then drove to Heather(my cousin's) family's house in Camarillo where I crashed a family member's engagement party, from there Elise proceeded to make her self at home in their huge back yard, swimming, playing on their swing set, making "brown" lemonade, playing with the boys her age. Stayed at my cousin's house in Santa Paula overnight and ate brunch on Sunday and took a leisurely drive home. Sunday total mileage 210 miles, a little over 3 hrs. I get totally zoned when I drive long distances, so got to go to the destination, traffic wasn't too bad, just a few patches in LA but that was it. I definately can do weekends to the OC area, but it was long doing this drive to Santa Barbara. Got home a little after 4 pm. Did usual Sunday chores, took a nap and went to bed with another massive headache. I hate those headaches. Till my next weekend adventure at home. Au revoir...J
Saturday, July 12, 2008
This upcoming weekend and general thoughts
Leaving in the morning to go to the French Festival in Santa Barbara. Then, I am going to my cousin's house to stay the night, then back to San Diego on Sunday afternoon. I am going without the family, the dog., just me and my inner thoughts.
All is well at home, our pool will be delayed till next winter (for the decision), since we already passed the "swim season", this will help us decide the "new pool" co. to deal with. We are not diving in blindly on this decision.
Kids are doing well, they are going to day camp and progressing into their own beings. They only depend on me these days for money and food, other than that they are self sufficient.
Summer is going by too fast. I can't believe it is the middle of July already. Weeks are flying by. I have a busy schedule in the next few weeks. More fun than work... which is nice for a change.
Leaving in the morning to go to the French Festival in Santa Barbara. Then, I am going to my cousin's house to stay the night, then back to San Diego on Sunday afternoon. I am going without the family, the dog., just me and my inner thoughts.
All is well at home, our pool will be delayed till next winter (for the decision), since we already passed the "swim season", this will help us decide the "new pool" co. to deal with. We are not diving in blindly on this decision.
Kids are doing well, they are going to day camp and progressing into their own beings. They only depend on me these days for money and food, other than that they are self sufficient.
Summer is going by too fast. I can't believe it is the middle of July already. Weeks are flying by. I have a busy schedule in the next few weeks. More fun than work... which is nice for a change.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Haven't been watching too much tv lately. I watched last Tuesday's abc gameshow's wipeout and the japanese game show show. Last nt., I watched the last bachelorette, show, even though I didn't watch any of them with the girl in in it. I just like to see who picks who at the end. It really is a double edged sword, that show. You find someone you like but have to parade your relationships on national tv. I feel bad for the other guy, but I have faith there is someone for him too. There is always someone for everyone, you just have to find it- what a painful process love can be. I still need to subscribe to Showtime and catch up on weeds and the diary of the call girl show.
TV is painless.
Haven't been watching too much tv lately. I watched last Tuesday's abc gameshow's wipeout and the japanese game show show. Last nt., I watched the last bachelorette, show, even though I didn't watch any of them with the girl in in it. I just like to see who picks who at the end. It really is a double edged sword, that show. You find someone you like but have to parade your relationships on national tv. I feel bad for the other guy, but I have faith there is someone for him too. There is always someone for everyone, you just have to find it- what a painful process love can be. I still need to subscribe to Showtime and catch up on weeds and the diary of the call girl show.
TV is painless.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Weekends almost over
This long 3 day weekend is almost over, all my weekends seem to go by so fast. Today all I did was go to yoga, pick up my prescription and get my nails done. Yesterday, my friends came over in the evening and during the day I got a facial and took my nap. On the 4th, I sat around the house and then we went to see the fireworks not too far away at night. Other than that nothing else so exciting. Maybe taking a solo road trip next weekend, we shall see.
This long 3 day weekend is almost over, all my weekends seem to go by so fast. Today all I did was go to yoga, pick up my prescription and get my nails done. Yesterday, my friends came over in the evening and during the day I got a facial and took my nap. On the 4th, I sat around the house and then we went to see the fireworks not too far away at night. Other than that nothing else so exciting. Maybe taking a solo road trip next weekend, we shall see.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Things currently happening in my life
To pool or not to pool
Our pool guy we thought we were going to choose sucks, he won't return our calls and he is not all the promises that we thought we were going to get. I am glad we didn't sign with him, because if he doesn't call us back, that is not a good sign of good service for the future. So we are going to give our other bidder a try. We will see if Ed makes his head spin and scare him away or not (perhaps this is what happened to the guy I am not happy with right now). Regardless, we really aren't scary people to work with, we have simple tastes but require people to call us back when asked. Stupid first pool guy.
Retirement questions
Already? I am in my early 30s still, I just got out of my 20s (almost 3 yrs ago), yet Ed and I are talking retirement. I say live life and go with the flow. I can't count on SS and all the crap they give you when your 67 or 76 or 80. Hmmm.... sitting at home counting our budgeted stipends and getting bored out of our minds on tv and gardening, time will determine how old I will be and if we decide to actually retire.... That said, I would love to retire someday, I think Paris would be nice. Think of the possiblities. Live in Paris from April to July. July to March in SD. So many things to think about. Presently, I walk pass my daughter's day camp where it doubles as a rec center for seniors as well. I am not sure I wanna be that lady taking stretching classes in a smelly ol' gym. I wanna be the old lady strolling the Champs Elysees and eating at the cafe' with my little ol' lady ex-pat amies. Perusing the Seine and glazing at the Eiffel Tower from afar from our (Ed and I) little apt. in Montmarte or Marais or Rue Cler. How cool would that be?
Happy Anniversary to me
8 yrs. and counting. 8 is a big number it is more than 7 . I could of went to college/highschool twice. So 8 yrs. ago today, I got married in Paris ( the hotel in Vegas). Seems like yesterday, yet lots of times and things have gone by. I think I have went through 4 jobs, had another kid, gone through 2 cars, moved once, had about 7 big fights with ed (one a yr, I suppose it's healthy), went through a handful of pets (2 cats, 1 I still have, 2 pugs which I have sense relinquished, one maltese that died a week later due to complications of a spay) but currently have a lovely dog Stewie which is like my littlest child, numerous vacation destinations and a happy 8 yrs. so far of marriage. yay me.
Near Future
July= 4th of July=No plans, just to see Fireworks at Lake, Thinking about going to the French Festival in Santa Barbara next weekend. Going to Feist Concert in SD, Comic Con for the last day.
August= Do a trip at the end of that month to see folks and grandma's birthday.
Sept= My birthday which will be a non event
Oct- nothing much again but for my kids to dress up for their candy fix
Nov- Madonna concert and on the same day will know who our next president will be (Obama)
Dec- Christmas time, time again to be consumers of the retail nonsense they call Christmas. I would like it if they called it exchange your life with time with your family instead of exchange your money for presents for people you rarely see.
To pool or not to pool
Our pool guy we thought we were going to choose sucks, he won't return our calls and he is not all the promises that we thought we were going to get. I am glad we didn't sign with him, because if he doesn't call us back, that is not a good sign of good service for the future. So we are going to give our other bidder a try. We will see if Ed makes his head spin and scare him away or not (perhaps this is what happened to the guy I am not happy with right now). Regardless, we really aren't scary people to work with, we have simple tastes but require people to call us back when asked. Stupid first pool guy.
Retirement questions
Already? I am in my early 30s still, I just got out of my 20s (almost 3 yrs ago), yet Ed and I are talking retirement. I say live life and go with the flow. I can't count on SS and all the crap they give you when your 67 or 76 or 80. Hmmm.... sitting at home counting our budgeted stipends and getting bored out of our minds on tv and gardening, time will determine how old I will be and if we decide to actually retire.... That said, I would love to retire someday, I think Paris would be nice. Think of the possiblities. Live in Paris from April to July. July to March in SD. So many things to think about. Presently, I walk pass my daughter's day camp where it doubles as a rec center for seniors as well. I am not sure I wanna be that lady taking stretching classes in a smelly ol' gym. I wanna be the old lady strolling the Champs Elysees and eating at the cafe' with my little ol' lady ex-pat amies. Perusing the Seine and glazing at the Eiffel Tower from afar from our (Ed and I) little apt. in Montmarte or Marais or Rue Cler. How cool would that be?
Happy Anniversary to me
8 yrs. and counting. 8 is a big number it is more than 7 . I could of went to college/highschool twice. So 8 yrs. ago today, I got married in Paris ( the hotel in Vegas). Seems like yesterday, yet lots of times and things have gone by. I think I have went through 4 jobs, had another kid, gone through 2 cars, moved once, had about 7 big fights with ed (one a yr, I suppose it's healthy), went through a handful of pets (2 cats, 1 I still have, 2 pugs which I have sense relinquished, one maltese that died a week later due to complications of a spay) but currently have a lovely dog Stewie which is like my littlest child, numerous vacation destinations and a happy 8 yrs. so far of marriage. yay me.
Near Future
July= 4th of July=No plans, just to see Fireworks at Lake, Thinking about going to the French Festival in Santa Barbara next weekend. Going to Feist Concert in SD, Comic Con for the last day.
August= Do a trip at the end of that month to see folks and grandma's birthday.
Sept= My birthday which will be a non event
Oct- nothing much again but for my kids to dress up for their candy fix
Nov- Madonna concert and on the same day will know who our next president will be (Obama)
Dec- Christmas time, time again to be consumers of the retail nonsense they call Christmas. I would like it if they called it exchange your life with time with your family instead of exchange your money for presents for people you rarely see.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Starbucks is my friend
Ode to Starbucks...your white chocolate mochas are delicious, no one can make them like you. I wish people would lay off their hatred comments you. Granted you opened a store one on top of another at one time, it is ok to downsize a little when it comes to the economic weakness of our country. I get that there are competitors that hate you or try to undermine your costs of happiness. That is ok, your happy facade and cross promotion of books and cds are just a good mix of bliss in the morning. I am grateful you are my coffee store of choice. Your prices aren't high, except in Paris and London where I paid top dollar for the sweet, frothy taste of the coffee perfectly mixed with milk and white chocolate syrup. Yum
Ode to Starbucks...your white chocolate mochas are delicious, no one can make them like you. I wish people would lay off their hatred comments you. Granted you opened a store one on top of another at one time, it is ok to downsize a little when it comes to the economic weakness of our country. I get that there are competitors that hate you or try to undermine your costs of happiness. That is ok, your happy facade and cross promotion of books and cds are just a good mix of bliss in the morning. I am grateful you are my coffee store of choice. Your prices aren't high, except in Paris and London where I paid top dollar for the sweet, frothy taste of the coffee perfectly mixed with milk and white chocolate syrup. Yum
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
My weekend
Last weekend was a productive one. Saturday, I went to Costco to buy things for the house, and to get ready for the get-together Ed is having for his video game buddies on the weekend of the 13th. Then I took my weekend nap, after that E and I went to Ross and Grossmont Center. At Ross, I purchased some shoes, a green short-sleeved zip up top (ugly but she picked it out), and a Hannah Montana t-shirt. At Grossmont Center, we made a b-line for Claires (E's favorite store) and she made out with spending my budget of $10 and the remainder of her allowance fund;total spendage: $40. After that, we got takeout at pickupstix (for Ed and I) and mcdonalds (for E).
Sunday, I went to my yoga class, trip to trader joes for fresh food and then came home to the garage being gutted or organized or whatever you want to call it. I proceeded to grab my favorite treasures that were buried under the junk rubble and moved the casualties to the Amvets place in our courtyard (UPDATE: which my cleaning lady proceeded to take on Tues nt.). With my box of dvds, books, misc other goodies, I proceeded to make their new homes back inside my house. After that ordeal, I made lunch for E and I and we went to feed the ducks at the lake, gave her and Stewie a quick bath and then took my afternoon weekend nap. After waking, I proceeded to do many loads of laundry and washing dishes. Made the steak, corn I purchased earlier in the day, then called it a night.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just finished the movie, Into the Wild. I like movies that leave you thinking afterwards. This was not a happy ending movie, yet I felt a life changing molecule struck a chord from before I watched. I am not going to pick up my life and go off to Alaska, but it has provoked my thought process. I am happy living a simplish life with my blythe, gnomes, itunes, art supplies, macbook, dvd collection, french study books, and my little house in San Diego. I don't need any Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel or any of the thousand dollar name brands to give me happiness. I can jet off to France at a moments notice if I really wanted to, I just feel responsibility to keep myself grounded in the moment of life. Life of being happy with my family, friends and my dog Stewie. I love those thought provoking movies.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Le Weekend Prochain
Nothing going on, just chillin out at home. Maybe get my office in order. Thinking about redoing it to more of a den style. Maybe read some, go to the park, watch a movie or two. Went shopping at Ross last nt. purchases for me. I bought a cute sleep set, a journal/notebook, and an Andy Warhol totebag, A happy bug day. Good for toting my books and things, not that I have a gazillion totebags already. Purchases for R- a whole new wardrobe for his trip about $125 worth. Summer is so random this yr., it is going by so fast. Next week is my eighth wedding anniversary and the 4th of July. Hmmm.. still no plans. I am just staying home and chillin out. I do want to get to Catalina Island sometime..I am thinking maybe nearer to my birthday or just a lovely offseason day, when the rooms are less expensive. Ryan is off to Portland and Seattle with grandma this week, he will return on July 5. This is pretty much his first adventure /vacation alone without us. Still taking my hour of french a week. It is coming along. I am discovering more and more online resources and just really need to just sit down and do them exercises. I am just so scattered lately. I do one thing for a few min. and then it is off to the next. Still waiting on the pool stuff to come in. It seems to be sitting on the back burner. Hopefully, by the end of July, we can make a actual decision.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Went to dinner.....
Last nt. we went to Flemings Steakhouse and I ate way too much.... I had the caesar salad, prime rib, Fleming potatoes and chocolate lava cake. I brought my own bottle of bubbly for the table. We just had to pay the corkage fee. Sadly, I didn't bring my camera. My guests for the night, my lovely husband Ed who never leaves the house (but this once a yr.), Suzanne and Mike (her flame and PDA buddy) and my other friend Vanessa. Usually, when I have bubbly, I wake up at an odd hr. today it is 430 am. I do plan to get a few more zzzs. Then wake up for the day. Anyways, we played tourists, because Flemings is located in the Gaslamp in SD, where all the tourists reside and dine. Overall, it was fun I just love going out for fancy dinners.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

my wonderful package
I got a cool package in the mail from my friend Gigi. We met through the swap-bot site. I think that this is the best swap package I got so far. I will go back and post a pic, but since it is so late, I am too tired to get out the camera. Anyways, it was a spatula set, a cool spa stamp, a cool cherry makeup case, a very chic journal book, a tin of japanese gum and little suckers, bath gel (appletini), and last but not least the coolest pic cushion set ever. Pic from her etsy store..... you can order these goodies and more. I wanna collect them all!
Sunday, I went to dinner at Laurel, this is a fabulous restaurant in the Banker's Hill Area of San Diego- Since it is restaurant week we can eat a 3 course meal for $40. This doesn't include tax, tip or any other drinks so by the time I got out of there it was more like $70. But these bi-annual dinners are always fun. Went with friends Suzanne and her B-F Mike, friend Vanessa, friend Regan, my cousin Heather also joined and Suzanne's protege Whitney and her cousin also joined in on the fun. Of course I will post pics later as I slowly get them. :)
Friday, June 20, 2008
3:30 blog
It is Friday, another week has gone by. My kids have survived another yr. at school. 1st and 5th Graders now. This really ages me now. Today will be another day at work and then afterwork, will probably relax at home. We have the movie National Treasure 2, so I will most likely watch this tonight with the family. Sat. I will probably clean around the house and try to get rid of things. Still need to print out my Europe pictures and scrapbook all the things I collected. May also hit the beach on Sat. or Sun. depending on my mood. I think all these simple pleasures are good for me right now. There is too much going on in the world to focus on other stuff. It really saddens me that all these natural disasters are happening all over and the American economy has gone to crap. To fill up my car has doubled in one yr., I notice food costs going up and since I am in the recruitment ad business I see the need to recruit jobs going down. I am always hopeful, but as the wrong decisions are made, we will be in this predicament for the rest of the yr. When Jan 2009 rolls around, that is when the change will begin. J
It is Friday, another week has gone by. My kids have survived another yr. at school. 1st and 5th Graders now. This really ages me now. Today will be another day at work and then afterwork, will probably relax at home. We have the movie National Treasure 2, so I will most likely watch this tonight with the family. Sat. I will probably clean around the house and try to get rid of things. Still need to print out my Europe pictures and scrapbook all the things I collected. May also hit the beach on Sat. or Sun. depending on my mood. I think all these simple pleasures are good for me right now. There is too much going on in the world to focus on other stuff. It really saddens me that all these natural disasters are happening all over and the American economy has gone to crap. To fill up my car has doubled in one yr., I notice food costs going up and since I am in the recruitment ad business I see the need to recruit jobs going down. I am always hopeful, but as the wrong decisions are made, we will be in this predicament for the rest of the yr. When Jan 2009 rolls around, that is when the change will begin. J
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Thursday 3 am
Last night, I fell asleep to the french movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I will watch it again to see what happens, this happened to me several times when I was watching the Darjeeing Limited. I am wondering if it is certain movies that do this to me, but since I went to bed so early I am up at 3 am. I probably will go back to sleep but it is weird to have such a weird sleep pattern. This week, I went to my first private french lesson. It was helpful, since my pronunciation in french isn't that great. I have american tendencies to pronounce the silent letters and it is good having a live person tell me what I am doing wrong. I was hesitant at first because I am spending money for a tutor when I can buy all the french cds, books etc.. but it really is another tool to accelerate my learning instead of becoming stagnant. In other parts of my world, our 2nd (oldest) big screen tv is doing some psychedelic things and so it is time for a new tv or a big empty in our wall. I wouldn't care either way but Ed insists that we get the latest and greatest technology to fill the void. I am so good with my macbook pro and my itunes account. But tv is america and we need the biggest there is. GO showtime! Love my new show Diaries of a call girl and weeds is back on! Love it, Love it. Now to subscribe... I totally got sucked in to these shows. List time...
Loves at the moment:
French Music and Movies
Happy Hippos (Candy made by Kinder)
Still the cute stuff
Crocs- LOVE LOVE them
my bed
sleep (should be sleeping now)
This week ahead....
Weekend, nothing really.. maybe clean up junk in garage and my office (craigslist a few things)
Sunday dinner with friends at Laurel (restaurant week, 3 courses $40 equiv to 25 Euro)
Tuesday another dinner at Flemings Steakhouse (another restaurant week goodie)
Other than that, working and taking my kids to summer camp. Fun.. Fun in the SUN.
Last night, I fell asleep to the french movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I will watch it again to see what happens, this happened to me several times when I was watching the Darjeeing Limited. I am wondering if it is certain movies that do this to me, but since I went to bed so early I am up at 3 am. I probably will go back to sleep but it is weird to have such a weird sleep pattern. This week, I went to my first private french lesson. It was helpful, since my pronunciation in french isn't that great. I have american tendencies to pronounce the silent letters and it is good having a live person tell me what I am doing wrong. I was hesitant at first because I am spending money for a tutor when I can buy all the french cds, books etc.. but it really is another tool to accelerate my learning instead of becoming stagnant. In other parts of my world, our 2nd (oldest) big screen tv is doing some psychedelic things and so it is time for a new tv or a big empty in our wall. I wouldn't care either way but Ed insists that we get the latest and greatest technology to fill the void. I am so good with my macbook pro and my itunes account. But tv is america and we need the biggest there is. GO showtime! Love my new show Diaries of a call girl and weeds is back on! Love it, Love it. Now to subscribe... I totally got sucked in to these shows. List time...
Loves at the moment:
French Music and Movies
Happy Hippos (Candy made by Kinder)
Still the cute stuff
Crocs- LOVE LOVE them
my bed
sleep (should be sleeping now)
This week ahead....
Weekend, nothing really.. maybe clean up junk in garage and my office (craigslist a few things)
Sunday dinner with friends at Laurel (restaurant week, 3 courses $40 equiv to 25 Euro)
Tuesday another dinner at Flemings Steakhouse (another restaurant week goodie)
Other than that, working and taking my kids to summer camp. Fun.. Fun in the SUN.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Typical Saturday
Lazy, yet I still managed to go shopping. I had not been to IKEA in a awhile, my lights went out in my office. They are dependent on IKEA's bulbs, I went to IKEA and spent a few dollars more. I guess that is how it goes. Target, IKEA, it doesn't matter, I will find something else I want and must have. I went to also get a massage, got to get all those toxins out of my body. Massages are relaxing, then I seem to feel like crap for a little while. I think it is the toxins being released. Anyways, can't go to Europe, what is the next best thing? IKEA. I managed to buy a outdoor light set and some cookies and gummy candies. Also, some designer ziplock bags (couldn't resist the design). Here are a few pics I took today.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Just Life
I adore life, lately, I have been privilaged in taking a breather from my everyday life and seeing what else is out there in the world. People all around the globe are breathing, eating, and sleeping as we do here in America. I am more inclined to retired part-time in another city, than pick up my things and leave San Diego all together, when I am 55 or so. I feel it is important to have a home base. I see the economics in just being a free bird and living in a city that makes more thrifty sense but I know I will miss the weather and the things that make San Diego the city it is, for better and for worse. It is important for me to work, have a sense of self and create more to improve upon myself. I so want to win the lottery and not have a care in the world, but that just wouldn't be who I am today (maybe in 10 yrs. :)). In a little way, no matter how little it is, I am still contributing to the economy by giving my country my hard earned tax dollars. The sweat from my brain that gives the government, those dollars better create a future for my kids. Hopefully, the powers that control my tax dollars are wise enough to see that America is falling into the toilet. They better not mess up my retirement fund for my travels abroad when I get of age.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Working to Retire
So someday I am going to retire. This is a goal for many Americans like myself. I just went back to work after 2 weeks of vacation, the most vacation I have had for one time since I was unemployed. This was a grand treat. No worrying about kids, dog or money for 2 weeks. Granted, I will be seeing my credit card bills in a few weeks, at that time there were no worries. I went back to work and it was satisfying to an extent. The buildup of work made things stressful, but I guess that is what time management is all about This leads to my thought on my working to retire. I work in order to live, buy necessities and perhaps save for a rainy day. I also, plan to retire someday so a chunk of the check also goes to a black hole in a financial institution where my money fluctuates up and down, lately, mostly down, to someday rise to the occasion of my retirement when that day comes, knock on wood, the til will be huge enough for me to stop working. I don't think I will ever stop activities, but working I really do hope someday. These days, us Americans cannot afford to not stop working. We buy more that we earn and are incapable of making adaquete payments. This starts from the top down. This leads to the question, am I going to get to retire? The answer is going to be yes. I will not buy a bigger house than I need, I will splurge a little like put in a swimming pool which will add to the yrs. I will need to vacation at home instead of going on a weekend excursion somewhere. In return, when I am out of the country for a month or two at a time, I can sublet our home to vacation renters who want a quiet place to be and still have the city life closeby. By that time hopefully, my house will have character and a homeliness for all to enjoy.
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- Adventures of the WeekThis week is turned out to b...
- It's OkayAll is well on the homefront, everyone we...
- Awake and dreamingDreaming of being somewhere else...
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- TVHaven't been watching too much tv lately. I wat...
- Weekends almost overThis long 3 day weekend is alm...
- Things currently happening in my lifeTo pool or no...
- Starbucks is my friendOde to Starbucks...your whit...
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- INTO THE WILDJust finished the movie, Into the Wil...
- Le Weekend ProchainNothing going on, just chillin ...
- Went to dinner.....Last nt. we went to Flemings St...
- my wonderful packageI got a cool package in the ma...
- 3:30 blogIt is Friday, another week has gone by. ...
- Thursday 3 amLast night, I fell asleep to the fren...
- SaturdayTypical SaturdayLazy, yet I still managed ...
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- Just LifeI adore life, lately, I have been privila...
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