I admit, I haven't been blogging or writing as much as I'd like to. I have been preoccupied in a few things. I am almost done with my Digital Media Certificate at SDSU. I made a silly
video in my last class. Yep, I'm on YouTube, I admit it was fun to make this video. I did multiple takes, but only did that experiment once. I admire those who can share stories through video and their blogs. But even a new found admiration for an video editor. That dinky one-min video took me a few hours to play with and experiment and it is still not Oscar quality.
In addition, to this stint back into college, I took on a big feat by putting on an all-day event. Social Media Camp San Diego at Sony. How did this happen? Social Media Club relaunched earlier this year and I wanted to be a part of the San Diego's chapter and boy did I. This event wasn't a mixer. (though we also threw a great Afterparty at Urge Gastropub - Thanks @Eraj for sponsoring/planning). It was an all-day event/conference. Social Media Camp required gathering sponsors, speakers, coordinating volunteers, working with Sony's talented team with logistics/food, selling tickets, PR/Marketing the camp, schedule making and keeping everyone happy day of the event. It was done. I had a great team, I mostly worked with this extraordinary, multi-talented phenom Richie Edquid. He brought his entourage of volunteers and his brother Vincent was my calm. I am grateful for both of them and Richie taught me that quirky is good. Though I have to admit, yesterday was a bit surreal, maybe this is how real life is supposed to be. Event planning is a lot of spinning components. I actually enjoy doing this even though it is stressful, and I might of looked like I hadn't got any sleep yesterday, but that adrenaline kept me going. I think the rewards outweigh the stress. I got to meet some amazing new friends. I don't think camp will never take on a better meaning. I saw people walk away with Klout T-shirts, Mayhemstudio's #TwitterMaster T's, USB keychains and even Sony Bloggies. My friend won a Bloggie and his response "It was the best Saturday ever". He drove up from the OC. But what was even more rewarding was all this sharing of knowledge and people having lightbulbs go off in their heads. Those nuggets of information is why I decided to take on Social Media Camp and in the end it was well worth my months of planning and dedication to this project. Crazy as it was, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Lastly, my job woes are sutured temporarily. I did get a full-time gig, for the moment. I can now say I work for a publishing company. My dream was to work for a magazine when I was a growing adolescent. Why? i can't answer that. I subscribed to Seventeen, Teen and read all those fashion magazines. I guess it was this glamour appeal. I actually interned at San Diego Magazine while I was in college. I put together media kits, wrote form letters and laminated advertisements for their clients. Ok, sure sign it wasn't all that glamourous. My last project in Integrated Marketing was to do a plan for Time Magazine. Again, not glamourous. This time around again not glamourous, I am surrounded by years of Sports Illustrated, Swimsuit issues and Golf magazine. Would be a glamourous if I played golf or cared who the final four was. I think the glamour of this gig is that a subscription of In-Style lines the top half of my desk and I can read this while working. I did get lucky and it pays the bills for the moment. Nice boss, not a corporate atmosphere and I can eat Lean Cuisines for lunch. Not bad but not the dream job.
Ok, enough of me, what about you? How crazy is your ride?
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