I went to Modesto, Cameron Park, Tracy and back to Modesto Again- Flew in and out of Sacramento. Cameron Park-It was good to see all my Grandmas, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles at my Grandfather's rememberance on Sat. afternoon, it was also good to see all the people that knew me when I was just a baby. It was a good way to remember my Grandpa Bill- he had a great life and the picture montage made me tear up. Tracy-I dragged my sister to a Tim Holtz Class. I was a big nerd/geek there. I knew my stuff. It was weird. Anyways, my sister didn't know there was a craft following for Tim and he was cool and funny and gave us a pickup thingamagingy for picking up little embellishments. Anyways, here are a few pics and the project I made. Modesto- Besides staying at my sister's house, taking a few side trips to Ross and Target: I saw my childhood friends for lunch on Sun and Mon. respectively. My Sunday lunch was with my friend Amy. She is a head checker/mgr. at a grocery store in Ceres, has 3 bio kids, 2 kids that are kind of hers for a total of 5 kids, crazy life from birth and is still in craziness, but she manages and looks well for all she's encountered. My Monday lunch was with Carrie, she is my friend from way back, like fourth grade, but we lost touch during our high school years and got back in touch a couple yrs. ago. She has 3 kids and a husband and lives in Riverbank, she makes hairbows as a side business and seems to be excelling in both the family and hairbow thingy. Anywho, on that matter- it was good to see everyone and my folks as well... Thanks mom and dad.

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