People stand up for their rights, their beliefs and their passions. I get that. There are also people who that let things just roll with whatever happens. But what is the goal of these protests? Is it so that people are heard on the 99 different causes they stand for? Is it because they don't have a home or a job. There really needs to be a common message to be effective. I can camp out for weeks but what is the goal for my campout? To be seen on the news? To bitch about the lack of solidarity this country has? There are a million different reasons why people are camping out in San Diego and the world. What is your message? Are you mad that you get in trouble for smoking weed in public? (Yeah, that is not a good reason). I am for medical marijuana, but please have a real reason why you need to have it. What is the root of the problem? For me, the problem stems from government not working effectively. There are two parties that can't get along. There is a divided nation. Shifting blame doesn't help for either side. The government has this I rub your back, I'll rub yours mentality. That is what is wrong. Do what is right and not because I put your kid through college for you. There are laws for the better of mankind and some laws are just erroneous and not well thought out.
I vote, I pay my taxes, I work. I feel fortunate. I get the 99% movement. But why call it 99%? From my understanding, the fall of Wall Street, mortgage corruption, the real estate bubble bursting and corporations moving jobs overseas has caused many to lose their jobs, homes and livelyhood. The commonality of these people is the feel unjust and this can be 99 different reasons. Let's take this the other way...what are you blessed to have. I am blessed that I have a roof over my head and freedom to express myself. Pay it forward...Do something and yes continue to stand your ground. Do what is right, be kind to others, have intentions to not harm. Is that so hard?
* This is an opinion by me.