Remember when there were brick and mortar stores that carried DVDs. You pretty much put them out-of-business. I remember when your "streaming" service was a value-added product for thanking the subscriber for the DVD service. You give us service at a price we are accustomed to. Is this really the right time to raise your prices? Raising costs maybe a dollar or two could be understandable but up to 60%. I assure you that you are making money. My 2 DVDs have been sitting on a table collecting dust This leads me to believe I need to downsize my service. I am sure that you have market research saying cable providers are losing customers over Netflix and Hulu. It is ok to raise costs. But what does it do to your existing customers? It decreases our trust. I already have cable and just recently got HBO and Showtime. I can easily unsubscribe to you. It is pretty easy because I also have Amazon's streaming service, though the choices are not as good, I have HBO GO. So maybe the combination of those two will suffice. I actually am thinking of turning you off, not because I am angry but because other people are angry. It hurts me to see other people in uproar over something like this. Is it rising costs of licensing of movie studios? Maybe you can tell us that. Is it that you just gave raises to your employees? You can disclose that, maybe people will understand. I just don't know how you thought the public would react. Because Netflix you have decided that you rather take $8 to nothing from me a month from what I am paying now which is $20 a month for your service. I was on autopay but now that I know you are raising my costs another approx. 25%, I gives me reason to return the 2 DVDs I have collecting dust that I was going to watch at my leisure. Not a smart move Netflix, there are services out there that can replace you in a second. I urge you to change your ways while it is not too late. People have choices and in this tough economy it is good to exercise those choices.
Signed, Me