Again, I am up at 3 o'clock in the morning, got a sore throat going on and a lingering headache but thoughts rush in and out of my head. Surfing the web, I see all these Black Friday ads and a story of a person already camping out to get god knows what. Anyways, my thought at this moment is that even though I am not feeling 100%, I am thankful for these things.
1. Family- Through all of the good and bad times, I am thankful I have immediate and not-so immediate family. It is good to have people around that care for you and that I can care for.
2. Friends- Again, even though my friends are not my blood, they are like my family. All the people I encounter and become friends with are special and that I am thankful for.
3. My Dogs- I love my dogs, they are funny and do crazy off the wall things. I am fortunate to have the ability to have 3 crazy dogs to call my own.
4. My Health- Again, I can get a headache or a cold now and then but am glad I am able to seek any care that is needed to alleviate any bad things that may happen to me.
5. My thoughts- I am thankful that I am able to express myself through blogging or through the social networks. If there is a bad meal to be had, I am thankful I can express. If there is a good meal to be eaten, I am thankful I can tell people about it. If there is anything I want to share, I am glad there are outlets for me to do so.
6. Shelter, clothing, food etc... - I need to remember that I am thankful that I have these basic necessities for living. I also need to remember to give back to those that need these items.
As Thursday approaches, I am happy to share my Thanks to you for reading my thoughts. What are you thankful for this season?