January- Got to see my grandma in Yuma. Saw my friend's band Black Heart Procession at the Casbah (first time at the Casbah).
February-Start of the decline of my former company.
March- Started posting on twitter, just playing around experimenting.
April- A lot of depressing stuff going on at work. I did find use for youtube though.
May- Finally got laid-off (blessing in disguise- maybe). Lots of thoughts on Paris and changing my life.
June-Airborne Toxic Event (Event), that was a fun night, met the band for the first time. Anthology is a very cool venue. Got a new dog Lola, she was a rescue from the Camp Pendleton Animal Shelter.
July-Went to my first-ever Tweetup, VIP treatment. As glamourous as it sounds, it wasn't. No talking with Shawn Merriman, but I did meet some friends IRL. Entering the Social Media Whirlwind started re-learning at UCSD for a class taught by Becky Carroll. Great times. My sis visited an i went to the San Diego Zoo. Went to see Horsies and Airborne Toxic Event again.
August- Saw Airborne Toxic Event yet again on the roof of the Hard Rock Hotel. I guess I had a summer fetish with Airborne Toxic Event. Two of the Three events were radio-sponsored. I am not sure how I got to attend these, but I did. 4-day Road Trip: San Diego-Palm Desert-Camarillo-San Jose-Camarillo-San Diego. Lost my cat (she was 9)...She wandered somewhere and didn't return :(
September- Yee Haw, I went to Dallas for a wedding. Saw Kathy Griffin Live.
October- Ahh, Regina Spektor Piano Goddess- saw her at HOB. BlogWorld in Las Vegas, what a fun group of people- can't wait till next one, Halloween is always fun, Saw some oldies with Elise at Jack's Fourth Show
November- David Sedaris (got to see him), Gary Vaynerchuk (got to meet him too), Thanksgiving with my folks up north. Nice road trip.
December- Nice quiet month for celebrating the holidays. Ready for 2009 to be over and focus on all the good things to come in 2010. I am fortunate to have despite the few setbacks. They say good things come to those who wait.