I saw these Zhu Zhu critters on the shelves in September, fully stocked and ready to be taken home. At the time, I didn't care to have one of these fake rodents in my house. Still don't, but I am curious on the mayhem, these little mechanics are about to stir. Disclosure: I own a "real" hamster, which doesn't have an off button and it stinks at times, why would I need a fake one? So I passed up the chance to get my hands on the "Hottest Toy of 2009". Shucks, I always do that ( a chance to buy in bulk and charge people 5,6,7 or 8 times the retail amount). I could of cashed in for the sake of those poor parents trying to fulfill their kid's holiday wish. Retailers are counting on Black Friday to have this toy hamster bring in the masses. On Black Friday, Toys R Us is planning to have a lottery to have a chance to buy one of these $10 electronic fur balls . Heck, this beats buying them on the black market for $60 each. But is my headache worth $50, probably not. My prediction, one year from now that little $10 or $60 fake rodent will be on the bottom of someone's closet (Hammy or Hamlet can be friends with Tickle me Elmo and Furby). Can I add there are accessories too- playhouses and trails with add-ons, hamster balls, skateboards. Add about $20-$100 extra dollars (for retail) to this mix, closer to $200-$500 for black market fulfillment. Holidays fun yet? It hasn't even started, it isn't even Friday yet. P.S. if you see one of these things send one my way, my kid "kinda" wants one this Christmas.
PPS. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and don't stress out. Family or Friends rules out woes (Thankful for great people)