@Lilazndude I am so far behind on Lost, I think I need to take 8 hrs. to catch up now.10 minutes ago from web in reply to Lilazndude
http://tinyurl.com/ckn4o2 (via @addthis) Great use of this application, this is just the start of real time learning11 minutes ago from web
Ok, I should of got the facts first http://tinyurl.com/c4n49p - at least something positive came out of this contest. My bad.24 minutes ago from web
what is w/this Kutcher/CNN garbo? I get that his EGO went up mucho points. 1M acknowledge his existence, his next msg. should be UR PUNK'D.32 minutes ago from web
I think @oprah will be a great boost for twitter, O has many people who love and respect her. Great tool for her 2 spread her pos influence.about 1 hour ago from web
RT @LukesBeard Create a Retro Photo and Background http://snurl.com/g2ple - Thanks for this, now to learn Photoshop!about 1 hour ago from web
@anyamarina Cool Louie thanks youabout 5 hours ago from TwitterFon
Ate west coast bbq, I hate it when I eat too much, but it was so good. Gonna watch the shows on NBC tonight, lay in bed and just be.about 6 hours ago from web
@Lilazndude so do you find following me amusing? Are you going to SF this weekend too?about 10 hours ago from web in reply to Lilazndude
RT @CombsSeth Fucking hipsters! http://tinyurl.com/c8vkwu - This is funny!about 12 hours ago from web
I'm irritated by everything. I think I need a vacation.about 14 hours ago from web
Still sleepy, at least it is sunny today. My inbox is overflowing with things to do, but don't wanna do anything. Is this normal?about 17 hours ago from web
http://tinyurl.com/cw3uzm (via @addthis) can't wait!9:19 PM Apr 15th from web
Cool to see how many servers facebook has to store all their photos9:09 PM Apr 15th from web
employment branding at facebook - http://tinyurl.com/dm4eu29:08 PM Apr 15th from ShareThis.com
Waiting for ai results show to come on. Also have a new hairdo :)8:17 PM Apr 15th from TwitterFon
RT @melgordon Who has a better business card than this? http://tinyurl.com/4xy6e6 -My response is Lego-http://tinyurl.com/c94rpf Best Ever!3:01 PM Apr 15th from web
on the 4th peep (yellow bunny) out of 12 in the package. thats my 110 calories of sweetness for the day.11:56 AM Apr 15th from web
work, work and more work today. After work, new hairdo.10:12 AM Apr 15th from web
kings of leon "use somebody" ♫ http://twt.fm/515688:30 AM Apr 15th from web
back to get some zZzz3:11 AM Apr 15th from web
I found this article to be useful 4 those Twicruiters/Twijobsearcher http://tinyurl.com/bceltr3:06 AM Apr 15th from web
@sodaly agreed, it is a San Diego twitter affliction.2:34 AM Apr 15th from web in reply to sodaly
Ok, I am obsessed with peeps and Easter is over http://tinyurl.com/cweyff - you need to see this "Nighthawks" Peep rendition2:33 AM Apr 15th from web
I just ate a whole box of these artificially smelling sugary tasting yellow bunny Peeps, out goes my no-sugar diet.2:44 PM Apr 14th from web
Twitter is not about making money by spamming a follower. It is about networking and learning new things that may interest me. Please!11:54 AM Apr 14th from web
Even though I have all these other twitter tools, I still use twitter and twitterfon. I guess the basics work best.9:51 AM Apr 14th from web
http://tinyurl.com/d77snn mmmmmm...PEEPS are good8:43 AM Apr 14th from web
@SDSU_NewsTeam- Sun went bye bye8:39 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to SDSU_NewsTeam
RT @yazad: Good advice for Job Boards (ain't gone yet), from ERE: http://tinyurl.com/c2e9p7 I totally agree-save yourself while you can8:21 AM Apr 14th from TwitterFon
Another day, what adventures will my mind take me today?8:18 AM Apr 14th from TwitterFon
Twitter Tuesday, what do we do today? It is not follow Friday, or unfollow Monday. The question of the day.5:05 AM Apr 14th from web
Ahh... feel much better in Pj's getting ready for primetime tv.6:21 PM Apr 13th from web
Tired of work today, wanna go home now4:18 PM Apr 13th from web
@LiveSpeakR shewanders.com for photography4:14 PM Apr 13th from web in reply to LiveSpeakR
Multi-tasking my superb coordination skills, with daydreaming about vacations I will not be able to take till next yr. and reading tweets.2:30 PM Apr 13th from web
Why can't everyday be a holiday, I am looking at the calendar, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday..Is there a Easter Tuesday?10:29 AM Apr 13th from web
listening to the adventureland soundtrack, if you like the 80's you'll like this music.9:53 AM Apr 13th from web
How can people get up so early? I was up at 7:15 am and I am still dragging.8:01 AM Apr 13th from web
Why can't they have Britain's Got Talent in the US too? We have a BBC network. http://ping.fm/naPU39:59 PM Apr 12th from Ping.fm
Peeps for Breakfast, Peeps for Lunch, Peeps for Dinner. Happy Easter!8:14 AM Apr 12th from Ping.fm
Hmmm...I wonder which stores are open today? I plan to go the movies and perhaps the ceramics cafe'. Of course, it depends on family plans.3:40 AM Apr 12th from web
RT @guykawasaki: Deep-Fried Peeps http://adjix.com/r3qu Sounds Gross6:27 PM Apr 11th from TwitterFon
Last minute, consumerism shopping a' la easter bunny. Waiting for those peeps to be on sale on Monday for half off. Marshmellow madness=:)3:35 PM Apr 11th from web
Saturday morning, should be sleeping in. I wake up with things I wanna do (art classes, gym times) on the internet. Then I will zzZZ again.5:29 AM Apr 11th from web
listening to the Decemberists perform live (recording) on npr. http://tinyurl.com/dlxbdg Concert in my living room. Nice.8:37 PM Apr 10th from web
Ready for the weekend, back to the real world tomorrow with kiddos back and a tore up front yard.1:42 PM Apr 10th from web
@chriscantore I love the easter bunny video. Happy Easter Bunny Weekend to all!!!http://tinyurl.com/9rrbeg8:25 AM Apr 10th from web in reply to chriscantore
Guide to everything Twitter- Like learning a new language- http://ping.fm/RIjjS7:11 PM Apr 9th from Ping.fm
http://tinyurl.com/c76xgx Ping.fm + HootSuite: Distribute Your Tweets Everywhere- I love it! Update all at once.7:02 PM Apr 9th from web
Trends in Recruitment Advertising http://tinyurl.com/c4c35l I see social networking taking a big piece of the mix.2:13 PM Apr 9th from web
On my to do list..See Tokyo!, Paris 36 and eat at Red Pearl Kitchen. Boy do I have the travel bug.I am waiting till next yr. J'ai volante'!4:25 AM Apr 9th from web
Ate Sammy's Woodfire Pizza, waitress got a dollar tip for every time she came to our table. $3. At least we didn't complain.6:42 PM Apr 8th from web
@bcarroll7 Flour Power in El Cajon or Cake (more expensive)4:00 PM Apr 8th from web in reply to bcarroll7
learned so much this morning. Unfortunately, I have not found anything on recruitment advertising with the use of social media.10:51 AM Apr 8th from web
@maryjanefrances - couchsurfing.org I haven't used but it seems to be a safe way to travel for less and meet people along the way. Goodluck8:53 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to maryjanefrances
loving everyone's links about social media/advertising, I am going to learn so much. Thanks everyone!8:46 AM Apr 8th from web
RT @SocialNetworkTV: Twitter To Find A Job - Forbes http://bit.ly/JQTi85:54 PM Apr 7th from TwitterFon
just ate a small bag of cadbury mini eggs..210 calories absorbed in a matter of minutes.1:44 PM Apr 7th from web
Branding webinar..in a ten min. Never hurts to refresh refresh refresh10:51 AM Apr 7th from web
Branding webinar..in a ten min. Never hurts to refresh refresh refresh10:51 AM Apr 7th from web
Sharing is caring http://www.cheezhead.com/20..., in the world of recruitment advertising8:56 AM Apr 7th from web
Right brain is on-ready for work. I still need my coffee. So quiet and peaceful. No kids or dogs. Right brain= work Left brain=fun8:42 AM Apr 7th from web
had my fat food fix. Jack in the box chicken strips and curly fries. I heard Sonic had a 200+ car line at 7:40 pm Crazy....8:24 PM Apr 6th from web
back to work tomorrow, time to put my right brain back on.5:24 PM Apr 6th from web
Naptime-life is good today2:52 PM Apr 6th from TwitterFon
the cutest pic for a sonny angel http://www.dreams6.com/hpge...8:07 AM Apr 6th from web
going to enjoy the beautiful day, get a facial and have a clean house when I get back. The birds are singing what could be better?8:02 AM Apr 6th from Ping.fm
eating pesto pasta with pinenuts with yellow gold potatoes even the dogs like it.5:11 PM Apr 5th from Ping.fm
up from my nap still in the frazzled mode2:48 PM Apr 5th from web
Happy Saturday Night, gonna eat my leftovers from last nights amazing dinner at Costa Brava.9:02 PM Apr 4th from web
Watching milk6:46 PM Apr 4th from TwitterFon
@uyensday I wish but didn't go to afterparty. It was a great show!6:39 PM Apr 4th from TwitterFon in reply to uyensday
woke up from nap still have this not yet back into the world feeling.4:17 PM Apr 4th from web
My favorite time of day, savoring my white mocha from Starbucks. Still replaying After Party at Jimmy's in my head.8:48 AM Apr 4th from web
@uyensday http://twitpic.com/2syyz - great pic. I was there last night but standing at the side near the bar.8:43 AM Apr 4th from TwitPic
@happyron use ping.fm it is a great tool to post on all 3 in one swoop. Good luck to you in your music career.8:41 AM Apr 4th from web in reply to happyron
It seems that John Mayer has nothing to do on a Fri. nt. but twitter. I however am going out to the Casbah for the second time in my life.6:56 PM Apr 3rd from web
No kids for a week. What am I going to do with myself? Going to actually stay up after midnight tonight.Lets see if I turn into a pumpkin.6:53 PM Apr 3rd from Ping.fm
Remembered dream last night...I couldn't inverse my french verbs and my pronunciation sucked. Hmmm. Real Life maybe?10:01 AM Apr 3rd from web
@threadless Congrats on the 200,000 followers9:51 AM Apr 3rd from web in reply to threadless
@DanitaArt Get Well Soon! Love your art.8:13 AM Apr 3rd from web in reply to DanitaArt
rise and shine..Madonna gets rejected in her adoption bid. Crazy to think that so many children need help and when help comes it is rejected8:10 AM Apr 3rd from web
Going back to sleep now.4:56 AM Apr 3rd from web
I am up way too early, set up my ping.fm acct. So I can use my million social networks I have signed up for in one post. Productive=Sleep4:48 AM Apr 3rd from Ping.fm
Nite10:42 PM Apr 2nd from TwitterFon
I want one of these! http://consumerist.com/5195...8:13 PM Apr 2nd from web
No Office or 30 Rock what the Heck?8:06 PM Apr 2nd from web
anya marina "move you" ♫ http://twt.fm/246238:05 PM Apr 2nd from twt.fm
Trying to get family in gear. My front yard is tore up and have no idea how to fix it. Still going to casbah tomorrow night LATE. Like 10pm7:29 PM Apr 2nd from web
@lillynn29 you can change your twitter name to ""30. Didn't want relatives following me so I took it off facebook. Will call on weekend7:27 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to lillynn29
A Master List of Free Online Language Lessons: http://lifehacker.com/51948...3:36 PM Apr 2nd from web
Thinking about the weekend.. can't wait to see Anya Marina at the Casbah tomorrow night. Workie today and getting kids ready to go tomorrow!8:10 AM Apr 2nd from web
wondering spain or italy? Next yr. trip8:33 PM Apr 1st from web
up at a god awlful time again. hope to go back to sleep soon3:52 AM Apr 1st from web
off to a photo shoot at balboa park! Then back to the office I go.8:32 AM Mar 31st from web
accidently listening to infomercials...more scammy crap in real estate.4:15 AM Mar 29th from web
listening to genius mix of somewhere around midnight and cooking dinner5:51 PM Mar 28th from web
instructables.com is my new favorite site of the moment3:59 AM Mar 27th from web
20/20 vision I am not9:39 AM Mar 23rd from web
pet peeve..if I call you you should call me back3:54 PM Mar 22nd from web
to yoga or not to yoga that is the question9:12 AM Mar 22nd from web
teaching myself to play beer pong10:41 PM Mar 21st from web
found a dead rat on my porch, not a good way to start a morning8:28 AM Mar 20th from web
trying to bend the rules, pissed off I can't bring dog to work anymore.7:48 PM Mar 11th from web